Friday, September 19, 2008


Bill Cassidy said...

wow thats amazing. i love the gradient that you used and the whole piece is very strong. very creative solution to this project

Anonymous said...

I love how you displayed your object. I think the shapes you used along with the blending colors adds to the image. I also think the head is done extremely well.

BrainDead said...

i think this was very successful. love the gradient work. maybe you could have kept that in the background and let the profile stand out a little bit more.

viva said...

dude that's a really cool image. the colors are an odd choice but they work really well for the piece. you should title it. success!

Tayyibah said...

the abstraction is great. i really enjoy the multiple colors used in the gradient.i think a little gradient in the headset will help it not look so flat. but over all great job.

rachb said...

The illustration behind it, gives the object a setting and purpose, but you should have used more gradient in the object.